JRB Service specializes in Storefront and Curtain Wall leak diagnostics and repairs in the Denver area. Our services cause, risk and solution for commercial window leaksare extensive as we have vast experience in door and window repair, replacement, new window installation, sunshades, brake metal, caulking, shower doors, mirrors, failed or broken glass and point-supported glazing systems for commercial purposes, among others. We are a company that has seen and done some of the most challenging commercial glass projects, giving us the experience needed to work on any type of project, no matter how challenging it is. Take a look at one of our specialty services, glass reglazing.

Reglazing Glass Services in Denver

JRB Service can help you save money on energy costs in Colorado. JRB Service offers reglazing of fogged, failed, or broken units to match the current specifications. Unfortunately, over time insulated glass units can fail due to moisture infiltrating the unit. Our team of specialists will assess the unit and replace the failed glass. When it comes to leaks, our thorough leak investigation team can perform an exhaustive analysis of all the areas necessary and you will receive a detailed report.

We offer two Glazing System Types: Commercial glass tall buildling


Non-Load Bearing
Internally Guttered
Typically Field Assembled •HeightSpans <12’
Rated to 6-8 PSF


Structural Back Member
Can hang from the Structure
Water managed in “Cells”
Greater spans
Rated to 12-15 PSF

Besides our renowned commercial glass work in several buildings and projects around the city, we are Denver’s glass repair and leak diagnostic experts. Our world-class glass services include ballistic glass, soundproofing options, commercial aquariums and pools, glass handrails and any other customized projects. We have extensive experience in both exterior and interior windows and doors, so you can expect the job to be completed efficiently and on time. Read more about the main reasons for business owners to check for window leaks and learn of the signs that your windows might be needing replacing soon.