Windows that leak can be serious and destructive. Fixing them is a priority. Most window leaks are not actually the window that is leaking. JRB Service can find out why and how the leak occurred. The leak originating at the top of a window usually is coming from the window, gutter or skylight above. Leaks only seen at the bottom of a window may be a result of poor caulking or clogged weep holes.  Here are some tips from JRB Service that will be of help to you.

replacing and repairing windows and performing routine maintenance before more damage occursRepair or Replace

Windows can be repaired in three general ways.  They can be repaired through routine maintenance, replacing parts, and fixing the structure.  Routine maintenance  can correct recognized defects or identify parts placement.  When routine maintenance has not been provided or an older establishment is in use, there is a higher chance for needed structural repairs.  If many repairs are needed, it may be best to replace the window.  The money from the repairs could be better spent on the installation of new windows.


replacing and repairing windows and performing routine maintenance before more damage occursRoutine Maintenance

Typical routine maintenance and parts replacement tasks include caulking between the frame and the building wall, adjusting window operators, and replacing damaged gaskets and broken or fogged glass. You should never attempt to fix window problems using sealants without first identifying the cause of the problem. In these cases, they often move the problem from one location to another or simply make it worse.

A thorough maintenance program more than pays for itself. A leak can cause structural damage, damage to interior finishes and electrical components and even rust, mold and mildew. Stay on top of your building condition and let JRB Service handle your commercial window needs.