One of the advantages of having big spacious windows is that you can grow indoor plants that can light up your rooms and even benefit you. A plant adds life to an office or a room with little decoration. Plants also play an important role in cleaning the air we breathe. Depending on the type of plant, you won’t need to look after them so much. Some are very low maintenance and only need water and indirect sunlight. Any way you look at it, you will be greatly benefited from surrounding yourself with plants. Today, we share with you some things to consider when having indoor plants and some of Colorado’s favorite indoor plants.

Glass Freedom Memorial

Things to consider when getting indoor plants

  • Lighting: this is one of the most critical elements for plants. Most plants need a good source of direct natural light, others need just a few hours of sunlight each day. Only a few plants do grow and make it with fluorescent lights.
  • Size: Remember plants grow! Some plants will remain small if they’re in a small pot, while others can grow non-stop even in a small pot. Plants usually require repotting for them to grow to their fullest. Do some research and plan according to your room’s space.
  • Watering and maintenance: Every plant needs water, but not all need the same quantity. Water intakes can also vary according to the season, temperature, sunlight and root density. Again, do some research on the plants you want to get as some might need more care than others.

Some great indoor plants

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Aloe Vera

This is a plant from the succulent family that is well-known for having healing properties. It can be used for wounds and for your skin. This plant grows easily with little care and is ideal for people who forget to water their plants.

Boston Fern

A plant that is commonly found inside houses because of its beauty but also has amazing benefits. This fern acts as a natural humidifier, and it absorbs common air pollutants and releases water vapor.

Crown of Thorns

Another plant for the absent-minded plant lovers. This plant has abundant tiny red flowers without much care, and it’s happy with indirect sunlight.

Peace Lily

This plant is thought to be of good luck and is also happy with indirect sunlight in a warm room. This plant also acts as an air cleaner and can absorb pollutants like Benzene and other toxins that can be found in carpets and plastics.

Indoor plants will bright up your rooms and bring you great benefits. Learn about indoor plant natural lighting.  Read more about window glass repair services and the best commercial glass services in Denver.