Energy-efficiency is a trending topic and for good reason. The benefits obtained by conserving energy, in both the short and long run will be appreciated by our planet and your wallet. There are ways to achieve energy-efficiency without remodeling your entire office. But, if you’re thinking of building or remodeling, you might want to incorporate some energy-conserving technology that will help you save on your bills, resource consumption and will greatly contribute to the preservation of the planet. Learn about some great ways to make your office energy-efficient.Using glass to make office appear larger

How to make your office energy-efficient


Always unplug all computers, cell-phone chargers, monitors, TVs, DVD players, and any other electronic device once they have been charged or turned off. Plugged appliances still consume energy and some are even worse as stand-by mode uses the same electricity when turned on. Use power strips to make your life easier but don’t forget you still need to unplug it from the wall.

Lights off

Lighting accounts for up to 15% of your electricity bill. Make sure to turn lights off when not being used. Also, change light bulbs to energy-efficient ones like compact fluorescent lamps and LED bulbs. A strategic position and clever direction can make lamps and lights work better to reduce the number of bulbs.

Weatherize the office

cause, risk and solution for commercial window leaks

Insulate the walls, doorways, ceilings to avoid heat from escaping and drafts. The use of double glazing will reduce heat loss by 50% and it’s best to close the curtains at night. Make sure the bathroom’s ventilating fans and lights are turned off when leaving the room. There is nothing more energy consuming than drafts and leaks. If necessary, apply weather-stripping, foam sealant, or silicone caulking to all windows and doors to help seal air-conditioned in.


These are more advanced technology strategies that can help you achieve an energy-efficient home and save money in your bills. Read more about how quality windows can improve employee performance and learn of signs that indicate that your windows might soon be needing replacement.