JRB Service is here to help you make sense of energy efficient windowsENERGY STAR windows can help you minimize your heating, cooling, and even lighting costs. In fact, many customers find that they recoup the cost of the new windows in utility savings in just a few short years.  Here’s some information that will have you looking at windows in a whole new light.

JRB Service can help you save money on energy costs in ColoradoWhat are energy efficient windows?

Energy efficient windows are not restricted to a brand or a type of window, but is defined by what it does. These windows, save energy because they act as more effective barriers to reduce energy use and costs. These windows do a better job at keeping in the heat or cool air so that air conditioners and heaters do not have to run as long or as hard to maintain the desired temperature. This also translates to potentially using less electricity, because these windows may also allow more light in, which will reduce light bulb usage. You may also be able to increase the energy efficiency of your current windows by adding caulking, and weather stripping to reduce air leakage.  JRB Service can handle that too!

JRB Service can help you save money on energy costs in ColoradoWhat is ENERGY STAR?

To achieve the highest level of energy efficiency you may need to invest in new windows with an ENERGY STAR status. ENERGY STAR is a voluntary program, set up through the U.S. government’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), where products such as windows, doors, skylights are evaluated and rated as energy efficient or not. To qualify as an ENERGY STAR product, windows must meet these standards:

U-factor – This tells how well a window conducts heat. This number represents a window’s resistance to heat loss. The lower the number the better.

Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) – A measure of how much heat is admitted through a window. Expressed as a number between 0 and 1, the lower the SHGC the less heat the window transmits.

Now that you have some basic facts, give JRB Service a call to discuss your options.